Friday, July 2, 2010


I've been attempting to organize 20 years worth of writings which had been gathering dust in an old plastic bin. So far, I've been very diligent about typing, printing and placing my poems (English & Spanish) inside a huge binder! I have close to 100 poems in Spanish and about 50 in English. :)

Currently, I'm also looking forward to my trip to Taos, New Mexico for a writer's workshop on poetry. I will be travelling with a good friend of mine who's already a published poet!

Also, I'm still doing translations for a local magazine and have recently been asked to edit an entire book.

Finally, I will try to keep up with this blog. Hopefully, I'm not as lousy as keeping up with this as I was with my journals. ;)


Cuerpo Traicionero

¿Que no ves cuanto duele?
Soy prisionera de su recuerdo
Pero tengo a alguien a mi lado
Soy feliz nuevamente
(Labios no me traicionen
Al pronunciar su nombre)
Este hombre si me ama!
Se me entrega por completo
(Ojos no brillen tanto si llegan
A mirarlo)
Me alegro de que no este
Pues no lo necesito
(Manos ya no se unan
Para implorar que regrese)
(Boca, no preguntes por el
Lo he borrado del mapa)
(Piernas, no vayan a buscarlo)
Mente, que mala amiga eres
Me has hecho recordarlo
Precisamente ahora
Que empezaba a olvidarlo.

Julieta Corpus